About Us
In the Midst Honduras was established with the goal of evangelizing and discipling the people of Honduras by living life in the midst of them. We seek to build firm, lasting relationships by being present and demonstrating the love of the Father from the most extraordinary to the most mundane moments of everyday life that we all face. While we can't be everywhere at all times, our prayer is that we will always be a living example of the ever-present love of the Lord in our lives.
Take a look through our website to see the many ways that God allows us to live life alongside our Honduran family. Of course, we could never convey all that God has graciously afforded us through mere text on a page. That being said, we invite you to join us here on the mission field so that you can see it for yourself! There's nothing like experiencing brand new places and faces, tastes and smells, sights and sounds! We promise you'll leave different that you came.